Me n My self

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Ritual Toraja

Ma’ Nene’, Ritual Unik Suku Toraja

Mon, Apr 18 2:54 PM WIT
Oleh Andari Karina Anom
Tana Toraja di Sulawesi Selatan sudah lama terkenal dengan alam pegunungannya yang permai serta ritual adatnya yang unik. Yang paling tersohor, tentu saja, pesta Rambu Solo yang digelar menjelang pemakaman tokoh yang dihormati. Tiap tahun pesta yang berlangsung di beberapa tempat di Toraja ini senantiasa mengundang kedatangan ribuan wisatawan.
Selain Rambu Solo, sebenarnya ada satu ritual adat nan langka di Toraja, yakni Ma’ Nene’, yakni ritual membersihkan dan mengganti busana jenazah leluhur. Ritual ini memang hanya dikenal masyarakat Baruppu di pedalaman Toraja Utara — sebuah kabupaten baru. Biasanya, Ma’ Nene’ digelar tiap bulan Agustus.
Saat Ma’ Nene’ berlangsung, peti-peti mati para leluhur, tokoh dan orang tua, dikeluarkan dari makam-makam dan liang batu dan diletakkan di arena upacara. Di sana, sanak keluarga dan para kerabat sudah berkumpul. Secara perlahan, mereka mengeluarkan jenazah (baik yang masih utuh maupun yang tinggal tulang-belulang) dan mengganti busana yang melekat di tubuh jenazah dengan yang baru.
Mereka memperlakukan sang mayat seolah-olah masih hidup dan tetap menjadi bagian keluarga besar.
Ritual Ma’ Nene’ oleh masyarakat Baruppu dianggap sebagai wujud kecintaan mereka pada para leluhur, tokoh dan kerabat yang sudah meninggal dunia. Mereka tetap berharap, arwah leluhur menjaga mereka dari gangguan jahat, hama tanaman, juga kesialan hidup.
Dari mana asal muasal ritual Ma’ Nene’ di Baruppu? Kisah turun-temurun menyebutkan, pada zaman dahulu terdapatlah seorang pemburu binatang bernama Pong Rumasek. Saat sedang berburu di kawasan hutan pegunungan Balla, bukannya menemukan binatang hutan, ia malah menemukan jasad seseorang yang telah lama meninggal dunia. Mayat itu tergeletak di bawah pepohonan, telantar, tinggal tulang-belulang.
Merasa kasihan, Pong Rumasek kemudian merawat mayat itu semampunya. Dibungkusnya tulang-belulang itu dengan baju yang dipakainya, lalu diletakkan di areal yang lapang dan layak. Setelah itu, Pong Rumasek melanjutkan perburuannya.
Tak dinyana, semenjak kejadian itu, setiap kali Pong Rumasek berburu, ia selalu beroleh hasil yang besar. Binatang hutan seakan digiring ke dirinya. Bukan hanya itu, sesampainya di rumah, Pong Rumasek mendapati tanaman padi di sawahnya pun sudah menguning, bernas dan siap panen sebelum waktunya.
Pong Rumasek menganggap, segenap peruntungan itu diperolehnya berkat welas asih yang ditunjukkannya ketika merawat mayat tak bernama yang ditemukannya saat berburu.
Sejak itulah, Pong Rumasek dan masyarakat Baruppu memuliakan mayat para leluhur, tokoh dan kerabat dengan upacara Ma’ Nene’.
Dalam ritual Ma’ Nene’ juga ada aturan tak tertulis yang mengikat warga. Misalnya, jika seorang istri atau suami meninggal dunia, maka pasangan yang ditinggal mati tak boleh kawin lagi sebelum mengadakan Ma’ Nene’ untuknya.
Ketika Ma’ Nene’ digelar, para perantau asal Baruppu yang bertebaran ke seantero negeri akan pulang kampung demi menghormati leluhurnya. Warga Baruppu percaya, jika Ma’ Nene’ tidak digelar maka leluhur juga akan luput menjaga mereka. Musibah akan melanda, penyakit akan menimpa warga, sawah dan kebun tak akan menghasilkan padi yang bernas dan tanaman yang subur.
Foto: Tempo/Zulkarnain

Senin, 18 April 2011


Hari ini hari pertama UN tahun pelajaran 2010-2011..
seperti tahun2 sebelumnya, w d amanatkan untuk mengawas di sekolah lain.
dan kebetulan sama dengan tahun kemarin, w ketempatan ngawas lagi di SMA Sejahtera 1 Depok..
Suasananya gak jauh berbeda dengan UN tahun2 sebelumnya...
atmosphernya agak tegang, guru2 lagi pada perbaikan gizi selalu setipa UN (maklum, makannya lagi enak2 terus.. hehehe) blom lagi ama honor ngawas yg lumayan untuk kategori guru swasta kaya w.. hihihi
Hari ini w kedapetan ngawas di kelas IPA Ruang A.98. jumlah umum per kelas 20 siswa/kelas.
ada beberapa kelas yang hanya 18. termasuk kelas yang w awasin ini.
secara anak IPA, jd tingkat nengok sana sininya lebih dikit dari pada kelas IPS.. heheh *PISS..
tahun2 sebelumnya paket soal itu hanya dibedakan menjadi 2 (Paket A dan B)
tapi tahun ini, entah mengapa dibedakan menjadi 5 paket alias paket A, B, C, D, dan E.
mungkin biar nyonteknya agak susahan kali... tetep aja nyontek.. wkwkwwk
seperti umumnya saja...
20 menit sebelum jam mulai ujian, yaitu jam 8, anak2 udah diperbolehkan masuk untuk mengisi lembar LJUN dulu. 5 menit sebelum mulai w dan partner ngawas dari SMAN 1, Yaitu bapak Drs. Zahir (yg banyak ngasih w wejangan selama ngawas heheh) mulai membagikan lembar soal dari A ampe E..
Setelah dibagikan kita kembali ke kursi pengawas sambil ngisi tetek bengek daftar hadir, berita acara dan ana ini ununya..
2 menit w duduk d kursi tau2 anak2 rame...
smua siswa yang kebagian paket C dapet soalnya bahasa inggris...
sedangkan mata peljaran saat itu adalah bahasa indonesia....
dan bahasa inggris di ujikan hari rabu nya..
OH MY GOD.....
UN gtu loh!!!!
bukan ujian2 biasa...
hehehe (so lebai.. tapi srius,,, kjadian kaya gini tuh 1001 bgt dalam un) mana anak2 dah sedikit melihat soal b.inggrisnya lagih... aduuuuh rugi deh murid2 w dsolah...
lanjut lagi critanyah...
w langsung lapor k panitia UN, panitia langsung lapor ke Pengawas dari Dinas dan 4 anak yg mendapat soal yg salah cuma bisa cengo, sedih dan bingung selama 10 menit....
aakhirnya 10 menit kemudianin pengawas dateng n ngebagiin soal paket E ke mereka..
trus mereka langsung gerutu Khas ala teenagers..
"ih bu, ko kita dapet paket E sih, kan kita paket C, gmn ni bu??? aduh bu...????"
trus pengawas bilang dengan so bijaknya "gpp sayang sama ajah"
dalam hati w ngomong...
"klo sama ngapain donk dibedain jadi 5 paket bu pengawas yg terhormat"  hahahahah
itu aja sih critanya..
sebenernya ga da yg seru juga..hahaha
cuma w aneh ajah...
soal un sgitu di hebohkannya jauh2 hari dari un berlangsung...
ampe ada karantinalah, pkae cctv, dikawal polisi2, masih kebobolan juga..
ya namanya juga manusia...
nobody's perfect khan.....
smoga besok ga ada lagi kjadian sperti itu...
thx ud baca...

Jumat, 08 April 2011

PEREMPUAN berpayudara besar kerap identik dengan persepsi cantik. Contoh saja, Melinda Dee, perempuan yang menjadi tersangka pembobolan dana nasabah Citibank sebesar Rp17 miliar ini kerap diberitakan sebagai cewek seksi karena berpayudara besar.

Namun, banyak yang menduga payudara Melinda hasil dari operasi implan. Tak sedikit sebenarnya perempuan yang memiliki pemikiran seperti Melinda. Karena merasa tak puas, banyak perempuan yang bersedia melakukan apa pun terhadap payudara nya seperti menjalani implan.

Namun, sadarkan Anda bahwa perempuan dengan ukuran payudara alami itu dilihat lebih seksi? Itu bukan sekadar asumsi, bahkan uji ilmu medis pun membuktikannya.

1. Lebih mudah terangsang
Hasil studi University of Wina menemukan bahwa perempuan berpayudara besar terkadang kurang sensitif terhadap rangsangan ketimbang lebih kecil. "Payudara memiliki jaringan lemak lebih banyak ketimbang kelenjar, padahal kelenjar merupakan bagian paling sensitif," kata peneliti University of Wina.

Seorang seksolog Rachael Ross, bertutur, "Pada payudara yang lebih kecil, kelenjar lebih mudah untuk terangsang selama foreplay karena tidak terletak di bawah lapisan lemak."

2. Mudah deteksi
Miliki payudara kecil juga menyehatkan dalam cara lain. "Dalam pemeriksaan payudara sendiri, pemilik payudara kecil akan lebih mudah mendeteksi adanya benjolan di bagian belakang payudara karena hanya ada sedikit lapisan," kata ahli onkologi Marisa Weiss, presiden dan pendiri

Payudara mungil juga bisa menyelamatkan hidup Anda karena tidak membenakan kerja leher. Payudara besar tentu akan memberi beban pada tekanan tubuh terutama leher "Ini bisa mengubah postur seorang perempuan, terutama pada leher dan bisa mneyebabkan sakit kepala," kata Dr Weiss.

3. Membuat tampak lebih muda
Memang, pria sepertinya sudah alami lebih merasa tertarik dengan payudara besar, tapi dengan payudara kecil, pria bisa berpikiran bahwa kita lebih muda. Satoshi Kanazawa, PhD, seorang psikolog evolusi di London School of Economics bertutur, "Payudara lebih besar biasnaya akan melorot dari waktu ke waktu. Ini juga bisa menjadi indikator bahwa seorang perempuan sudah tak muda lagi." "Mak itu, lebih sulit untuk mengetahui usia perempuan jika ia memiliki payudara yang lebih kecil."(MI/ICH)

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Mr. Rektor  (no comment!! any comment??????)

Risna mohon maap lahir dan bathin... 
poto kamu cuma kena sebelah... 
jadi tanggung aku crop aja beph... hehehe

sumpah mba w ga gelendotan ma ka dika.... hahahahaha

just a stuck poem for a stuck today...

RABU YANG KELABU.... Penuh deru dan sendu ditengah sesak benalu.... sudahlah kalian pergi berlalu, tak perlu risaukan tentang aku dan semua yang membelengguku.... Sudah terlalu penat aku dengan gerutu... sudah terlalu muak untuk mengadu... cukup smua pilu yang berderu... cukup membuatku semu dalam perihnya waktu yang kian bertalu...

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Mengapa Minum Air putih sebanyak-banyaknya

Well, sebenarnya jawabannya cukup “mengerikan” tetapi karena sebuah pertanyaan jujur, maka dijawab dengan jujur. Maka topik tersebut kami tampilkan dalam MABOK hari ini.

Kira-kira 80% tubuh manusia terdiri dari air. Malah ada beberapa bagian tubuh kita yang memiliki kadar air di atas 80%. Dua organ paling penting dengan kadar air diatas 70% adalah Otak & Darah.

Otak memiliki komponen air sebanyak 90%, sementara darah memiliki komponen air 95%. Jatah minum manusia normal sedikitnya adalah 2 liters sehari atau 8 gelas sehari. Air sebanyak itu diperlukan untuk mengganti cairan yang keluar dari tubuh kita lewat air seni, keringat, pernafasan dan sekresi. Apa yang terjadi bila kita mengkomsumsi kurang dari 2 liter sehari..? Tentu tubuh akan menyeimbangkan diri. Caranya..? Dengan jalan menyedot dari komponen tubuh kita sendiri. Dari otak..? (bisa dibayangkan gimana jadinya…) tapi belum sampai segitu, melainkan dari sumber terdekat yaitu Darah.

Darah yang disedot airnya akan menjadi kental. Akibat pengentalan pada darah ini maka perjalanannya akan kurang lancar dibandingkan darah normal yang mengandung air. Saat melewati ginjal (Tempat penyaring racun dari darah) ginjal akan bekerja extra keras menyaring darah. Dan karena saringan dalam ginjal halus, maka tidak jarang darah yang kental bisa menyebabkan perobekan Glomerulus Ginjal. Akibatnya air seni anda berwarna kemerahan, tanda mulai bocornya saringan ginjal. Bila dibiarkan terus menerus suatu saar anda mungkin harus menghabiskan Rp 400,000 seminggu untuk cuci darah (sebulan Rp 1,600,000. Berapa gaji kita sebulan..?).

Tadi kami bicara tentang Otak Kan…? Nah saat darah kental mengalir lewat otak perjalanannya agak terhambat. Otak tidak lagi ENCER, dan karena sel-sel otak adalah yang paling boros mengkonsumsi makanan dan oksigen, lambatnya aliran darah ini bisa menyebabkan sel-sel otak cepat mati atau tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya (ya.. wajarlah namanya juga kurang makan) Bila ini ditambah dengan penyakit jantung (yang juga kerja tambah berat bila darah menental) maka serangan STROKE bisa lebih lekas datang.

Sekarang tinggal anda pilih: Melakukan Investasi dengan minum sedikitnya 2 liter atau 8 gelas perhari atau membayar bunga Lewat Sakit ginjal atau Stroke.
-viva news-

Tips Cantik untuk Wanita Malas Dandan

Make up segar
VIVAnews - Sering malas bangun pagi untuk meluangkan waktu untuk bermake up di depan cermin? Anda tidak sendiri, sebagian besar wanita memang malas untuk meluangkan waktu berias sebelum pergi beraktivitas.
Namun, bagi Anda yang ingin tetap tampil cantik tetapi malas bermake up, ada tips kilat untuk mempercantik diri tanpa harus mendempul ulang riasan. Make up ini bisa diterapkan sebelum Anda beraktivitas dan bisa tahan lama tanpa harus berkali-kali mengulang untuk make up.
Berikut tips kilat bermake up untuk wanita yang malas berdandan seperti dikutip dari Shine:
Warna Lipstik Tahan Lama
Kebanyakan wanita yang tak suka berdandan, biasanya masih suka menerapkan lipstik di bibir. Agar warna lipstik tetap melekat sepanjang hari, tanpa harus berulang menggunakannya, ada tips yang bisa diikuti.
Sebelum menerapkan warna lipstik, ada baiknya mengaplikasikan foundation di bibir. Foundation bisa membuat warna lipstik di bibir awet sepanjang hari.
Melentikkan bulu mata
Agar bulu mata tetap lentik sepanjang hari caranya mudah. Panaskan penjepit bulu mata dengan hair dryer selama beberapa detik (tapi jangan berlebihan) sebelum Anda menggunakannya. Ini membantu melentikan bulu mata dengan cepat dan bisa bertahan hingga waktu yang lama.
Agar eye liner awet dan tak mudah luntur
Tidak ada yang lebih menyebalkan berurusan dengan pensil eyeliner. Agar eyeliner tak mudah luntur dan beleber saat digunakan, coba sebelumnya masukkan ke dalam freezer selama 10-15 menit. Ini bisa mencegah eyeliner mudah luntur saat digunakan.
Sediakan selalu kertas minyak
Jika Anda keluar rumah, jangan lupa membawa tisu atau kertas minyak. Ini bermanfaat untuk menyeka minyak di wajah, bukan menutupinya dengan bedak tebal.
Gunakan lip gloss
Selebriti make up artist, Gina Brooke mengatakan, "Ambil lip gloss dengan warna polos atau warna bibir. Ini akan segera menerangi kulit Anda dan membuat ilusi cahaya yang sehat di mana Anda paling membutuhkannya," ungkapnya.

Contoh Soal Family Tree

1.   Who is William married to?
2.   How old is William?
3.   How old is Mary Mason?
4.   How is William related to Henry?
5.   How is Diana related to Anne?
6.   How is Mary related to George?
7.   How old Paul when Sarah 3 years old?
8.   How is Peter related to Amelia?
9.   How is Sarah related to Sandra?
10. How is John Related to Emily?
11. How is George Related to Jack?
12. How is Sarah related to emily?
13. How is Amelia related to Peter?
14. How is William related to Sarah?
15. How is Anne related to John?
16. How is Sandra related to Emily?
17. How is John related to Peter?
18. How is Diana related to Sandra?
19. How is Anne related to Henry?
20. How is Paul related to George?

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Feb 27, 2011

Hari ini abis nyekar ke makam papah sama aldy, jane dan ka ika..
sudah lima bulan..
tapi masih gemetar saat mendatangi beliau....
i'm fine dad...
and you're safe there...
-i miss u-

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Narrative Text - Bear & Rabbit

Once upon a time there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit was a good shot, and the bear being very clumsy, could not use the arrow to good advantage. The bear would call over the rabbit, and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with the bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bear’s anger by refusing, consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffaloes to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed, he shot and killed so many that there was lots os meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves, and packed all they could carry home.

The bear was gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat, so the poor rabbit could not even taste the blood from the butchering, as the bear would have to go home hungry after his hard day’s work.

The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. The mother bear knowing that her youngest child was a very hearty eater, always gave him an extra large piece of meat, but the youngest child didn’t eat. He would take with him and pretend to play ball with it, kicking it toward the rabbit’s house, and in this way the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

Descriptive - London


London is the capital city of England, has been one of the major cities in Europe for centuries. Because of its long history, it has many old buildings.
The historical centre of London is now a relatively small area still known as the City, which covers only about 2.6 sqkm (about 1 sq mi). The city is capitalized to distinguish it from the larger metropolis. This is where London began as a Roman colonial town around AD 50, at the point where the Romans built the first bridge in London. Today this area is one of the world’s leading financial centers. Most of the financial activities are crowded along Threadneedle Street, near the intersection known as the Bank, which includes the huge Bank of England complex, The Royal Exchange, and the stock Exchange.
The permanent residential population of the City is now less than 6000, but about 350,000 commute here daily to work. The only large residential portion of walkways located on the northern edge of the City. The Barbican was built to replace older buildings destroyed in World War II (1939-1945) when the Germans heavily bombed London.

Narrative Text - The Lion & The Mouse

The Lion and the Mouse
      Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon awoke the lion, who place his huge paw upon the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
      “Pardon, O king,” cried the little mouse, “forgive me this time. I shall never forget it. Perhaps I may be able to do you good turn some of these days.”
      The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then, he lifted up his paw and let him go.


       The government has therefore made rules about the penalty. Although several cases have been taken into capital punishment, the implementation in the future will still take long consideration.
         The implementation of capital punishment has remained a controversy and invited two opposing parties to comment on. Some people support the idea and some are against it.
         Those who agree point out that the punishment will bring a deterring effect to the criminals. The drugs dealers, for instance will have no more chances to do their business if they are sentenced to death after the court officially decleares them guilty. This will put people in a carefull consideration before attempting to commit the similar crime.
         The act of Killing oneself in response to one’s crime is not proper because it is against the human right, that is the right of living. A substantial fine and life imprisonmental will be just enough to enforce the law.
      However some people feel that the penalty is of no great significance.

Explanation - Natural Gas

     Natural  gas is found underground. It is usually found near petroleum and was probably formed at the same time. Natural gas misture of gases that contains mainly methane, which is chemically related to gasoline. Wherever possible, natural gas is used for heating and cooking because it is the cheapest of the gaseous fuel. Enrichedwater gas is sometimes used when natural gas is not available. Natural gas supplies nearly 20 percent of the energy used the world. Deposits are usually found in the same areas as petroleum deposits. Like petroleum, natural gas is a rapidly disappearing  resource.

SPOOF - a man & a penguin

Once man was walking in a park when penguin came across a. He took to a police and said “I have just found this penguin. What should I do?” the police replied, “Take him to the zoo.”
The next day the police saw the same man in the same park and the man was still carrying the penguin with him. The police was rather surprise and walked up to the man and asked, “Why are you still carrying that penguin? Didn’t you take it to the zoo?” “I certainly did,” replied the man. “And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I’m talking him to the movie.

Report - Kangaroo

What is a Kangaroo?
A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
   Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and strong legs and a tail. They use these for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour
   The largest kangaroos are the great grey kangaroo and the red kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weight over 90 kilos.
   Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pounch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it erawls at once into this pouch were it spends its first five months of life.

Explanation - FOG

     Fog occurs when damp air above the surface of the earth is cooled to the point at which it condenses. Of the two types of fog, advection fog occurs along the ocean coast or near the river or lakes. This type of fast-moving fog, which may cover vast areas, ovvurs when warm winds blow across a cold surface of land or water vapor condense into fog. Radiation fog is quiet different from advection fog. It is immobile cloud-like moisture earth’s warmth escapes into the upper atmosphere.

SPOOF - Mr. & Mrs. Simms

Mr and Mrs. Simms go to the market on Saturday morning. Mr. Simms never enjoys these visits. Mrs. Simms goes shopping and he sits on a box and waits for her. This morning there was more noise than usual and every one was in hurry. Mrs. Simms bought some meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. An hour passed and then a man came up to Mr. Simms. “Excuse me”. He said. “is you name Simms?” your wife has finished shopping now, but her bags are very heavy. She wants to carry them home for her.”

Narrative Text - Little Girl Sarah

    Once upon a time in the middle of the forest, there lived a girl named Sarah with her father, a poor wood cutter.
      One day, the little girl’s father did not come home from the forest. Jane became more and more frightened that he had an accident. She did not know what to do because she was very afraid of dark.
      Finally, she plucked up all her courage and headed out to clearing where she thought her father had been that day. After two long hours searching, she finally found him. His foot had been trapped under a log and he could not lift it himself. Sarah helped her father to free himself and they went home happily. Sarah was very glad she had not been too frightened to go in search of her father.

Explanation - Nuclear Energy

     Nuclear power seems in some ways much cleaner than other sources of energy. Take oil or coal as an example. When they are used in power stations, a great deal of smoke is produced. The smoke contains a great deal of acid. Even if the smoke is cleaned by filters, a lot of the acid still escapes into the air. This can be carried by clouds from power stations in England to Scandinavia. When it rains there, the acid comes down with the rain. As a result, the fish in lakes and trees in forests begin to die.
         But many people are still against nuclear power. They believe that the problem is not just the danger of an accident in the atomic power stations. Highly radioactive material is used. Radioactivity can cause cancer and other illness. Only a part of the material is used. The rest – called waste – is just as radioactive. Although it is still highly dangerous, this radioactive waste is often thrown into the sea. Nobody can be certain what will happen to it there. Only one thing is certain. It will be highly dangerous for at least 240.000 years.

News Item - Illegal Medicines Destroyed

Illegal Medicines Destroyed

YOGYAKARTA: Hundreds of packages of medicines and traditional herbs of various brands were confiscated and destroyed by Yogyakarta’s Food and Drugs Control officers during its joint operation with the City’s Health officers starting on Monday.

The joint operation was conducted by seven personnels at several shops and drug stores in several parts of the city.

“In the fight against unregistered medicine we’ll continue the raids,” said the head of Yogyakarta City’s Healt officer, Chairul Anwar on Tuesday. Shop owners found setting the registered medicines would fisrt be warned as they probably did not know they were selling illegal products.

Narrative Text -Rabbit & Crocodile

      Once upon a time, a rabbit wanted to cross a river but he could not swim. He had an idea. He saw a boss of crocodile, “How many crocodiles are there in the river?” the boss of crocodile answered, “we are twenty here.” “Where are they?” the boss of crocodile asked.
      “All of you are good, nice, gentle and kind, so I want to make a line in order. Later I will know how kind you are.” Said the rabbit. Then the boss of crocodile called all friends and asked them to make a line in order from one side to other side of the river. Just then, the rabbit started to count while jumping from one crocodile to another, one…two…three…four… until twenty, and finally, he thanked crocodile because he had crossed river.

Explanation - Computers

Computers are helpful in many ways. First, they are fast. They can work with information much more quickly than a person. Second, computer can work with a lot information at the same times. Third, they can keep information for a long times. They don’t forget things the way people do. Also, computers are almost correct. They are not perfect of course, but they usually do not make mistake.

Narrative Text - Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban Perahu

Dayang Sumbi was exiled in the jungle, because she was unmarried but pregnant. She gave a birth to a baby boy and named him Sangkuriang. He became a young and hard worker boy. He was a good hunter too.
One day, he went hunting his dog, si Tumang. In the bush he saw a pig, Wayungyang. He wanted to shoot Wayungyang but si Tumang hindered him. He was angry and killed si Tumang. Then he took its heart home. He cooked and ate it with his mother. When he told that it was si Tumang’s heart, Dayang Sumbi was very angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head with a spoon. Finally, Sangkuriang ran way and left her mother alone to the east. He did not know him self and forgot his name.
After a long time Sangkuriang came back to the jungle where his mother lived. Dayang Sumbi looked younger in her age. Sangkuriang fell I love with her. Sangkuriang wanted to marry Dayang Sumbi but she refused because she knew that Sangkuriang was her soon. Sangkuriang insisted to marry Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi accepted but she wanted him to make a marriage settlement. First, Sangkuriang had to make a dam Citaru River. The second, he had to make a great boat only in one night.
Sangkuriang almost finished his work but Dayang Sumbi cheated him. He was angry and kicked the boat. The boat felt upside down on the peak of mountain. It was known as Tangkuban Perahu, at the northern part of Bandung, West Java.

Recount Text - Camped In the Mountain

Deny and I camped in the mountain last weekend. It was very beautiful and very quiet there. The air was fresh. The location was on the top of a hill, so we could see the scenery around us. It was amazing. It was green everywhere. It was also easy to get water as it was near a small river. You see the water is as clear as a crystal. We brought a lot of food from home. There were some noodles, cans of sardines, soft drink and biscuits. Deny brought cooking utensils for cooking noodle.
      On the first day, we spent our time setting up tent and exploring the surrounding area. I was happy to find that there were many campers there. At night, after we had dinner, we met other campers. We chatted and played guitar. It was fun meeting people who had the same hobby. It was not frightening at all at night in the forest as it was very noisy that night. We laughed and sang, and some campers even danced. We went to bed almost dawn. No wonder we got up late the following day. We hiked with others campers until afternoon. We did not realize that it was almost 5 in the afternoon and we had to go back home soon. It was really nice. I planned to go there again on the next long holiday. I would ask other friends to join.

Narrative Text - The Poor Bony

            Once there was a husband and his wife who had a baby. They had a dog named Bony. It was a very smart dog and faithful to them. The dog used to take care of the baby while they were working in the rice field.
            One afternoon, while working in the field, they heard Bony barking. It was running toward them. Its mouth smeared with blood. The husband was shocked ang thought that it had killed their baby. Suddenly he took his sickle and threw it to the dog. It hit the dog’s head and the dog fell down and died.
            Hurriedly they got home and saw the baby sleeping. When the husband looked around in the baby’s room, he found a big snake lying on the floor. It was dead and the blood spilled everywhere. It seemed the dog had killed the snake had he killed his faithful dog.

Seminar Rokhis @Balai Kota Depok Held By Rokhis SMANSA Depok

Feb 25th, 2011

My students and I've been attended Seminar Held by Rokhis SMANSA Depok...
It was held from 1 p.m - 4.30 p.m....
It ran well...
not different with another seminar i had attended..
but there was a motivation sentence from the speaker Bang BIG JAMAN..
i quoted his words...
It's really burned me....
I suddenly remembered every single dreams I wish that need some BIG effort to get it...
Thanks for burning my spirit...

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

enjoy learning of designing my blog by myself... :)

I'm designing my blog without asking anyone...
I'm trying so hard to make it good...
i asked so many questions to uncle google of designing it..